It is well known that the U.S and North Korea are not on good terms and have butted heads for a long time. Recently it has escalated with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un refusing to stop testing missile launching and nuclear testing. Under Trumps leadership the U.S has put two submarines equipped with nukes to "surround" North Korea as a defense system. We have also started building a anti-missile base in South Korea which is one of the U.S biggest allies and long time enemy of North Korea. China being North Korea's only real allie strongly urges against war because of all the North Korea citizens to flee into China to escape the war. It is unclear to say what will happen but nuclear warfare is the last thing either country wants, so hopefully we can come to terms and have a peaceful solution.
Born in 1966 in Florida, Eric lived in Florida until his father died in 1981 and his mom and siblings moved to North Carolina. At grade nine he dropped out and worked as a carpenter with his brother, he did that until he started basic training to be in the airborne division but was kicked out for marijuana use. It was around this time he became very religious and took his Christianity seriously. His first bombing was the Centennial park bombing in 1996, killing one person and wounded 111 others. He then proceeded to bomb two abortion clinics and a lesbian bar. After the FBI put it together he was responsible for the attacks they started one of the largest manhunts in history offering 1 million dollars for his arrest. For the next five years he successfully hide from the FBI and other amateurs team in the Appalachian mountains. In 2003 he was caught by a cop behind a grocery store searching the dumpster for food, he did not resist arrest. He stated later than all bombings were to try to stop abortions and go against gay views. He is currently serving life in prison at a federal maximum security prison.
John F. Kennedy or know as JFK for short was born in Massachusetts. After graduating from Harvard university he enrolled in the U.S Navy which he served in until the end of WW2. He Then took a job as an representative where he earned the job as a U.S Senate. Kennedy decided to run for president in the presidential election in 1960. He barely won against republican opponent Nixon. He worked hard to get equal rights for African Americans and stay out of war with Russia. On November 22, 1963 Kennedy was shot and killed by a Lee Harvey Oswald. Kennedy was and still is the highest rated president for public approval.
The Hydrogen bomb or otherwise know as the H-bomb and super bomb was President Truman's response to when the U.S found out Russia was making Atomic bombs. At the time the U.S and Russia were having a atomic/space race seeing whoever could build the most bombs and get the farthest in space technology. In this type of bomb, deuterium and tritium (hydrogen isotopes) are fused into helium, thereby releasing energy. There is no limit on the yield of this weapon. The first test of an H-Bomb created a 25 square mill fireball that had the power to destroy half of Manhattan. Fortunately the bomb was never used on people and the Cold war ended in 1991.
The great depression which started in 1929 not only affected the U.S it had worldwide affects. It all began with the stock market crash in 1929 causing wall street to go bankrupt, this affect millions of businesses which would lay off their employers. in 1933 which was considered the worst of the great depression over 15 million people in the U.S were unemployed, half of the banks were closed, and industrial production had reduced to half the production. Many people blamed the president at the time Hoover, because of his laid back approach to the depression hoping ti would just blow through.However this did not work at all and thankfully when the election came around the people elected Roosevelt who brought change and opportunities of many jobs and banks to get out of bankruptcy.
Manfred von Richthofen or better know as the Red Baron is famous for being the first successful pilot fighter during WW1. Manfred was born in 1892, at age 11 his father enrolled him in a military school were he went on to become a German Calvary officer at 18. it wasn't until 1915 when he became a pilot earning his first confirmed kill as a pilot a year later. He soon became feared by his enemies for having extreme bravery and got the nickname " Red Baron" because of his red painted airplane. Richthofen was assigned a squadron that was made up of 4 other planes with well know pilots. When he died in 1918 from Australian ground troops shooting down his plane he had 80 confirmed plane kills.